Patent services outsoucing
If you want to partially outsource patent-related tasks, IntelliSemantic provides services relying on the platform MyIntelliPatent.
IntelliSemantic patent services include:
An IntelliSemantic report, with results and conclusion;
The user access to the platform MyIntelliPatent for the interactive analysis of results.
Examples of these services are:
- Customized continuous monitoring of technologies and/or players of interest for a specific customer: any customer accesses its own server
- Customized analyses of technologies and/or players of interest for a specific customer: overy customer accesses its own server
- Predefined analyses of hot technologies (e.g. additive manufacturing) as selected by Intellisemantic: different customers accessses the same server
- Predefined analyses and continuous monitoring of hot technologies (e,g. additive manufacturing) selected by IntelliSemantic : different customers access the same server
Please feel free to contact us for demos and free assisted trials specific for your usecases and technical domains of interests.
Copyright © 2006-2023 by IntelliSemantic S.r.l.
Società registrata al registro delle Imprese di Torino con Numero REA TO - 1026789
Sede legale: Corso Susa 299/A -10098, Rivoli (To) - Italy
Capitale sociale 30.000 Euro
Partita IVA 09124770018