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Linked Data of course can be applied to patents too!

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Image from: https://lod-cloud.net, licenced under CC 2.0.

Linked Data (LD) is a more powerful and flexible method of publishing and accessing data bases relying on international recommendations issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The adoption of the LD paradigm facilitates the integration of different data bases and the reuse of vocabularies and knowledge already available as Linked Data.

Linked Data of course can be applied to patents too. After some experiments and demos, who in last years exposed as EPO, KIPO, USPTO patents as Linked Open Data, since April 2018 the EPO lauched its LOD as a true product, since it is updated weekly.

Linked Data in patents will simplify the integration of data provided by different patent offices, and with other scientific and business databases as well. Moreover, on the application side, linked data can facilitate more complex queries, as those which analyze patent networks, and can support more advanced analyses of results.

The widespread adoption of Patent Linked Data by info providers and solution integrators is a move to encourage, since it will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of patent analysts in day-by-day activities and will extend as well their strategic role in the enterprise. On the other side, patent data could become more used in Competitive intelligence applications.

To read the full document, click here. This full document is an extended abstract of the IntelliSemantic presentation at the CEPIUG Conference (Milano, from 9 to 11 September 2018).

published: @intellisemantic

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