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EPO released a new Linked Open Data demo

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Above: Linking Open Data diagram (2008) (Image source: Wikmedia Commons under CC-BY-SA, authors: Richard Cyganiak, Anja Jentzsch).

EPO has just released a new demo where Linked Open Data (LOD) are applied to European patent publications. The demo is freely accessibile at https://epolod.org/.

The Linked Open Data is used in the "Data Layer":

  1. as a standard technology useful to perform complex queries,
  2. for joining together more data sources (in this case, EPO patent and DBpedia).

The "Technology layer" provides a keywords extractor (see table in this post) from patent abstracts.

The EPOLOD allows the user to start a search from a query mask, and to retrieve and read the corresponding list of patent publications (by the page Patent search), select a keyword extracted from a patent abstract (by the page Publication), and finally access to the explanation of the selected keyword and related concepts as provided by DBpedia (by the page Linked information).

The demo is also easily used by mobile phone. The demo is not intended for professional use, but for suggesting new application features enabled by today's technologies.

To know more, the complete presentation about EPO Linked Data is at this link on e-courses.epo.org. The specific section presenting EPOLOD starts at 36"25'.

published: by IntelliSemantic (author) @intellisemantic

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