The market
Intellisemantic technologies solve the problems of extracting implicit information from your documents and of facilitating the search and navigation between these documents.
These issues are relevant to B2E enterprise content management and to B2C and B2B portal applications.
B2E enterprise content management applications can benefit from IntelliFacet in order to improve the quality and efficiency in document retrieval and analysis for different verticals, as for example law, medicine, and use cases, as in marketing, research, project management, procurement, human resource management and IP management, or in different kind of solutions, like e-learning and CRM. Depending on the specific case, IntelliSemantic technologies can help B2E enterprise content management solutions in:
- internal costs reduction for document searching and/or document reuse
- reduction of risk of not finding important documents
- increase of revenues due to a better efficiency or quality in servicing customers
- new opportunities due to more advanced applications supported
B2C and B2B portal applications can benefit from IntelliFacet in order to improve the user experience and support the knowledge manager in large spectrum and specialized portals, including Web 2.0 solutions, for telco and media, e-government, e-health, e-tourism solutions. Depending on the specific case, IntelliSemantic technologies can help B2C and B2B portal applications in: - the increase of revenues due to the better use of your portal from customers - the increase of opportunities enabled by a new and more appealing application delivered
For more details and for the analysis of your specific case, please do not hesitate to contact IntelliSemantic.
Copyright © 2006-2023 by IntelliSemantic S.r.l.
Società registrata al registro delle Imprese di Torino con Numero REA TO - 1026789
Sede legale: Corso Susa 299/A -10098, Rivoli (To) - Italy
Capitale sociale 30.000 Euro
Partita IVA 09124770018