
Semantic seminars and consulting

Intellisemantic with its specific expertise and know-how on Semantics supports its customers to assess an efficient adoption of semantic technology by means of:

Consultancy projects, to enable clients to seize opportunities allowed by these new technologies according to specific organizational needs and markets.

Custom technical seminars, oriented to acquire specific technical skills, as in the development, extensions and assessment of knowledge data bases.

The Semantic Technologies and Applications one-day Workshop, for managers and IT professionals, addressing all the dimensions relevant to the semantic Web and Enterprise (technical aspects, applications, architecture). The workshop objective is to provide insights useful to make informed choices in relation to opportunities and challenges of these new technologies.

For more information and specific request, contact directly IntelliSemantic.

Copyright © 2006-2018 by IntelliSemantic S.r.l.

Società registrata al registro delle Imprese di Torino con Numero REA TO - 1026789

Sede legale: Corso Susa 299/A -10098, Rivoli (To) - Italy

Capitale sociale 30.000 Euro

Partita IVA 09124770018